fast.genomicscompare 6,575 genera of bacteria & archaea


JAJIZT01 sp029948415 SPO-1

Genome identifier: GCA_029948415.1

NCBI assembly name: ASM2994841v1

GTDB taxonomy: Archaea, Thermoproteota, Nitrososphaeria, Nitrososphaerales, Nitrosopumilaceae, JAJIZT01, JAJIZT01 sp029948415

NCBI taxonomy: Archaea, Nitrososphaerota, Cenarchaeales, Cenarchaeaceae, Cenarchaeum

Scaffolds: 11

Genes: 1,726 Protein-coding: 1,675 RNAs: 51 pseudogenes: 0



Search annotations:

Curated BLAST:

Examples: perchlorate or

GapMind for amino acid biosynthesis or carbon catabolism (takes 10-40 seconds)


scaffoldId description length
JAJIZT010000001.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_1, whole genome shotgun sequence 984,697
JAJIZT010000002.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_2, whole genome shotgun sequence 229,523
JAJIZT010000003.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_3, whole genome shotgun sequence 165,428
JAJIZT010000004.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_4, whole genome shotgun sequence 100,067
JAJIZT010000005.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_5, whole genome shotgun sequence 43,675
JAJIZT010000006.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_6, whole genome shotgun sequence 39,059
JAJIZT010000007.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_7, whole genome shotgun sequence 36,512
JAJIZT010000008.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_8, whole genome shotgun sequence 19,039
JAJIZT010000009.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_9, whole genome shotgun sequence 12,159
JAJIZT010000010.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_14, whole genome shotgun sequence 3,049
JAJIZT010000011.1 MAG: Cenarchaeum symbiont of Oopsacas minuta isolate SPO-1 ccm_scaff_22, whole genome shotgun sequence 1,081

by Morgan Price, Arkin group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory